

The primary 目的 of The Principia is to serve the Cause of 基督教科学派.


  1. The Principia shall seek to serve the Cause of 基督教科学派 through appropriate channels open to it as an educational institution.

    It shall be made clear that The Principia is a private philanthropy and not an official activity of the 基督教科学派 Church.

  2. 《十大网络彩票平台大全》力求符合它的理想, 政策, and practices to the teachings of 基督教科学派.

  3. The Principia shall recognize that each individual as the child of God reflects the 情报 and strength of our Maker, and that all have equal opportunity and equal ability in the sight of God.

    The Principia refuses to accept as final any belief of limitation which grants greater capacity to one individual than to another. "Man is spiritual and perfect; and because he is spiritual and perfect, he must be so understood in 基督教科学派. Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique. 他是上帝的化身, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God's image and likeness; the conscious identity of being as found in Science, 人是上帝的反映, 或思想, and therefore is eternal; that which has no separate mind from God; that which has not a single quality underived from Deity; that which possesses no life, 情报, 也没有自己的创造力, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker." (科学与健康 with Key to the Scriptures,玛丽·贝克·艾迪著,p. 475:11-22. "Man" here is a generic term, including all individuals.)

  4. Principia is fully devoted to 基督教科学派 as defined by its Pastor.  

    所有教师, 工作人员, and students are expected to grow in their understanding of their relationship with God and their understanding of the teachings of 基督教科学派 and engage in practices that promote the integrity and spiritual well-being of the Principia community. 

    基督教科学派 healing is expected to be considered, respected, and supported. Decisions as to the treatment of specific situations are left to individuals in the community and their 家庭.  

    Principia gives preference in hiring and admitting individuals to active Christian Scientists. 所有的受托人, 行政长官, 校长, and 大学 President shall be actively devoted to 基督教科学派. 

  5. Principia is committed to the demonstration of 基督教科学派. Principia supports members of the student body, 教师, 和员工转向基督教科学, so that all may gain practical experience utilizing 基督教科学派 in daily living. 在服从 Church Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts by Mary Baker Eddy, 基督教科学派 is not formally taught at Principia.

  6. The Principia shall dedicate its service to the task of training its students to think - and to think clearly, 大力, 勇敢地, 宽容地, 无私地.

    The ability to gather and weigh evidence and to form conclusions that are free from personal influence or selfish considerations is essential to the formulation of sound judgment and to the exercise of constructive citizenship in a democracy. 校长应鼓励其教员, 工作人员, and student body to learn by practice and experience to test their thinking by reference to divine law as given in the Bible and as interpreted in the writings of Mary Baker Eddy.

  7. In all of its activities, The Principia shall place emphasis upon Principle rather than upon person.

    It shall be made clear that responsibility rests in the office, not in the officer. A vigorous effort shall be made to eliminate guidance and influence through either personality or hero worship. Wherever there is evidence of such personal influence, it shall be the responsibility of the institution and its workers to eliminate the cause as far as possible.

  8. The Principia shall seek divine inspiration in the conduct of its work and shall therefore willingly depart from common practices whenever the fact becomes clear that there is a better way of doing things.

    The Principia must not be guided alone by that which is accepted as good practice in other schools or colleges, but must seek independently and courageously to organize its work as the result of Christianly scientific demonstration, accepting from common practice only those methods and customs which best contribute to the fundamental purpose of the institution.

  9. Principia emphasizes devotion to the democratic way of life and individual dedication to its service, 包括:


  10. Teaching at Principia shall emphasize the point of view that education carries with it the obligation to use technical skills and intellectual attainments for the betterment of humanity.

  11. The Principia shall seek continuously to improve its educational facilities and business practices in order to keep abreast of educational progress and in key with changing world conditions.

    In its educational methods and business practices, The Principia shall make constant efforts to lift its standards to the highest point that the wisdom and experience of the 政府, 教师, 和工作人员, and the financial resources of the institution will permit.

  12. The Principia takes the position that education in its fullest sense cannot be confined to academic subjects but includes the building of character.

    用玛丽·金博尔·摩根的话来说, 《十大最大的网络彩票平台》的创始人, “培养准确思考的能力, 明智的, and with intelligent discrimination; cultivating the ability to dissect thought and to discard that which is not constructive in daily living; strengthening the capacity to form high ideals and the courage necessary for standing by those ideals until they are outlined in Christian character - that is the work The Principia regards as true education."

  13. The Principia shall place emphasis upon that which is direct, 简单的, 自然, 在所有的活动中都是诚实的.

    The institution shall help everyone express and demonstrate their own best selves – rather than to be guided by vanity, 对受欢迎的渴望, 盲目接受潮流, 或者对个人影响的敏感性. Every effort shall be made to eliminate superficiality. 应避免不必要的手续. 然而, correct and dignified procedures which are unrelated to pride or personal position, but are consistent with the purpose of The Principia's work, 应在适当的时候遵守.

  14. Principia is an inclusive educational institution and strives to provide all its community members access to opportunities and responsibilities for which they are eligible. 校董会, 政府, 教师, 工作人员, and students will strive to advance their skills in understanding and supporting all community members. “Love is impartial and universal in its adaptation and bestowals” (科学与健康, p. 13:2-3).

  15. Principia is one institution, united by its 宗旨及政策. 每个部分都是用来支撑整体的. The entire institution commits to a spirit of cooperation in the development of Principia’s educational program, 人员, 和政策. “因为十大最大的网络彩票平台有许多肢体在一个身体上, and all members have not the same office: So we, 被许多, 你们在基督里成为一体吗, and every one members one of another” (Romans 12:4-5). 

  16. Principia seeks to operate with democratic values, encouraging input and engagement. The fundamental 政策 of the institution, 由校董会设立, shall be interpreted by the chief executive.

  17. Principia seeks to fill every position with the most effective individual available. The success of the work is more important to all concerned than individual tenure. This Policy shall be implemented with wisdom, respect, and compassion. It is not essential that any employee be in full agreement with the 政府. 然而,, it is important that employees cooperate with the 政府, be in harmony with the 政策 and practices of the institution, and be committed to the success of its 目的.

  18. The Principia shall extend its opportunities only to those students who are prepared to take sufficient advantage of the experience to make it clear that The Principia is their rightful place.

    有适当的差异, students must measure up to the same demands that are made on members of the 教师 和工作人员. They shall continue as members of the student body only as they earn the right to do so through successful accomplishment to a degree which indicates their desire and readiness to be Principians.
  19. Students shall be placed upon their own responsibility insofar as this is practicable in terms of their individual obligations as members of this community.

    It shall be understood that during a student's experience at The Principia, from pre-school through the last day in the senior year in college, each shall be subject to constructive criticism and guidance in directions which will improve their effective participation in the activities of this institution. This shall be particularly true in matters relating to growth as a Christian Scientist in a community dedicated to service to the Cause of 基督教科学派. The deans dealing with students shall seek every possible opportunity to provide training in unselfishness, 为他人着想, 在真正的民主中, 本着良好的体育精神, 在正确的社会习俗中, 穿着得体, 的方式, 演讲, 和行为, and in any other items which will enable the student to be a good citizen and an effective Christian Scientist. Training in such directions represents a most important part of The Principia's contribution to the education of the student.

  20. All obligations incurred by or due to Principia should be met promptly and fully. Principia students and employees are expected to meet their obligations honestly and in a timely 的方式. Business practices at Principia should be based on Principle and guided by the Golden Rule.

  21. Any organized activity associated with Principia and carried on in the interests of Principia must exist only as authorized by The Principia Corporation.

  22. 所有校长活动-课程, 课外学习, 课外, or work-related – must be consistent with the 宗旨及政策 of Principia, and community members must abide by published Principia standards.

  23. 本着安息日的精神, Principia honors sacred time for spiritual refreshment, 反射, 个人的更新, 家庭, 和社区.
